Sound for Healing and Higher Consciousness
a 501(c)(3) Non-profit Foundation
The Sound Healing Research Foundation is performing clinical research on the use of Sound and Music for the following issues:
• Pain Management
• Autism
• Sleep Disorders
3 Days of Workshops & Sound Healing Music
November 13-17
Nice balance of Left & Right brain workshops to expand the mind and open the heart.

All Presentations include Sound Bath Meditations
Wednesday November 13th – Pacific Time
10AM – (Sound Bath – David Gibson)
Intro and Presentation – David Gibson – The Hierarchy of Vibration at all Levels of Reality
12PM – (Sound Bath – Michele Newman)
Presentation – Michele Newman – Beyond Boundaries: Master Secrets of 5D Alignment
2PM – (Sound Bath – Kerilie McDowall )
Presentation – Kerilie McDowall – The Joy of Music & Creativity: Sound Centering
4PM – (Sound Bath at the end – Sonja Drakulich)
Presentation – Sonja Drakulich – Voice and Somatic Therapeutics
Thursday November 14th – Pacific Time
10AM – (Sound in the Presentation – Carsten Spencer)
Presentation – Carsten Spencer – Crystal Sound Bath Chakra Activation
12PM – (Sound Bath at beginning and end – Anna-Maria Hefele )
Presentation – Anna-Maria Hefele – No-Nonsense Sound Healing: The Real Science Behind Overtone Singing
2PM – (Sound Bath – Three Trees)
Presentation – Three Trees – Shamanic Perspectives/ Techniques and Sound Healing as a “Sonic Energy Medicine” Session
4PM – (Sound Bath – Sound Bath – Krista Holland)
Presentation – Krista Holland – Myths of the Sacred Drum
Friday November 15th – Pacific Time
10AM – (Sound Bath in the Presentation – Ellen Wier)
Presentation – Ellen Wier – Harmonic Theta – Journey Through Sound, Music, Breath, & Consciousness
12PM – (Sound Bath – Michele Venegas)
Presentation – Michele Venegas and David Gibson – Sound for Dementia and 40 Hertz Treatments
2PM – (Sound Bath – Carole Lynne)
Presentation – Carole Lynne – Intuition – Your Inner Spirit
4PM – (Sound Bath in Presentation – Jan Jorgensen) –
Presentation – Jan Jorgensen – Your “VOICE” of Transformation

Saturday November 16th – Pacific Time
10AM – (Sound Bath – Dhara Bakshi)
Presentation – Jonathan Quintin – Sacred Geometry Windows to the Infinite
12PM – (Sound Bath – Kimberly Bass)
Presentation – Jeff Karp – Break Free from Autopilot: Energize Your Mind and Body
2PM – (Sound Bath in Presentation – Vickie Dodd)
Presentation – Vickie Dodd – Healing Through Sound: Awakening the Audible Body
4PM – (Sound in the Presentation – Jeffrey Thompson)
Presentation – Jeffrey Thompson – A Scientific Approach to
Consciousness Expansion with Sound
Sunday November 17th – Pacific Time
10AM – (Sound Bath – Matthew Kocel)
Presentation – Matthew Kocel – Why the Human Voice is the Ultimate Tool for Transformation Through Sound
12PM – (Sound Bath – Eliana Gilad)
Presentation – Eliana Gilad – Healing Through Ancient Mediterranean Therapeutic Singing
2PM – (Sound Bath in presentation – Barry Goldstein)
Presentation – Barry Goldstein – The Role of Music in Heart and Brain Coherence
4PM – (Sound Bath – David Gibson)
Presentation – David Gibson – Sound for Grief
(Final Sound Bath to end)

- • To help the public to understand and experience the science and effectiveness behind Sound Healing
in order to help bring it more into the mainstream (homes and hospitals) and gain more acceptance.
- • To share treatments with sound, music and vibration for healing a wide range of physical and emotional issues.
- • To bring people into profound states of higher consciousness and peace and stillness
- • To bring Sound Healing into the medical side of hospitals.
- • To bring Sound Healing into schools for children.
To help bring it into the mainstream – homes and hospitals
People in the field know just how powerful sound is for healing and transformation, but the mainstream still often has no idea. When we explain what is really going on behind how sound works physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually more people will come around — including the hospitals and the childhood education system. This includes an understanding of the laws of physics around vibration at all levels of reality.
In this time of accelerated change on our planet, there a couldn’t be a more important time to learn about how sound can be used as a tool for personal transformation and healing global destructive tendencies in order to bring the world community together.
Natural Sound Healing Instruments and Technologies
Natural sound healing instruments have used in ancient times and are powerful tools for healing. New technologies are now using precise frequencies for healing for specific. Meanwhile shamans and medical intuitives are helping us to see even deeper magic and power in the use of sound, music and intention. Presenters will discuss the various applications of Sound Healing using the voice, crystal bowls, tuning forks, and many other natural sound healing instruments.
Cutting Edge Sound Healing Techniques and Technologies
There are a wide range of new powerful technologies that are being developed for healing and personal transformation. Some of the techniques that will be discussed include:
1) Using frequencies to resonate tubules in the brain to create specific states of consciousness.
2) Create a brain map of the array of brainwave states across the brain for different states of consciousness. Then using frequencies to entrain the different parts of the brain to create this state of consciousness.
3) Finding the home note of a person in order to access their Soul energy and information.
4) Using Voice Analysis techniques to find a person’s template of perfection and all the ways that the person and society have created distortions. Using this information to create frequency remedies that can facilitate the alleviation of an illness or promote optimal functioning.
5) Using sound, music and intention to access a state of Oneness with the Universe — where all is known.
What else does the future hold?
Bringing Sound into the Medical Field
Sound is finally reaching the threshold of mainstream acceptance due to the successful clinical applications and research of many sonic pioneers. Sound is now becoming more accepted in the medical field. Before the virus showed up just about every major hospital in the country had Sound Meditations in the Integrative Therapy side of Hospitals.
We are now starting to make headway in the Medical Side of Hospitals. Research and innovations are demonstrating how sound can be used medically. With the opioid crisis doctors are now looking for alternatives. The videos by Anthony Holland and others showing frequencies exploding cancer cells have also peaked the interest of Hospitals. In fact, Hospitals are now starting to lead the way in looking for how sound can be used.
The Medical Sound Association has been established to help bring Sound Therapists and Doctors together to design research protocols around using sound for every disease. A new day is dawning in the medical field.

Bringing Sound into the Educational System
There is no better way to get children in their bodies. Sound is so powerful for bringing children to a state of peace in a way that is intriguing and even fun. Understanding nature’s natural patterns of vibration teaches more respect for our environment and others. Emotional expression with the voice helps them to speak their truth freely creating more health physically, mentally and emotionally. Overall it is about creating more connection to self, connection to others and connection to Source and Nature.
The Sound Healing Research Foundation received a $100,000 grant to develop a sound curriculum for children for two Montessori schools. With our staff of 24 instructors, we have now developed over 2500 exercises — each based on the latest 30 books on Brain development for children at different age levels. We are now setting up the Sound Education Association to bring this curriculum into Public and Private schools around the world. Checkout the home schooling version at